Very quickly, I want to thank you guys for reading and interacting with my blog. I love hearing from you all and sharing my thoughts with you guys weekly. You guys are so wonderful & I hope you’re doing well during this stressful time. Oh and remember to register to VOTE! ✔

Dear Reader,
Recently I made a visit to House of Intuition, a spiritual store located here in Santa Monica. It was like an adult Toys R Us for spirituality and I quickly FELL IN LOVE. I had participated in spirit guide readings & tarot cards before but never imagined I’d be standing in a spiritual store wanting to buy everything in my sight. There were spell candles, dream catchers, crystals, crystal jewelry, so much more you’d have to make a visit for yourself! I read through all the different kinds of stones & their intentions; I was looking for ones that deeply resonated with me. They all offered different intentions but most of the ones I was drawn to provided healing for my anxiety & encouragement for self-love. I’ve been using my crystals and candles every day since my visit and I thought I’d take this new learning experience and bring together the world of crystals and the world of love & sex!

Scientifically there’s no evidence supporting the practice of crystal healing but it can induce a relaxed state and environment. I also believe that the pairing of the relaxed state with positive thinking & affirmations can create a positive shift in your life. Crystal experts state that “crystals act as a power hold for healing as they allow positive, fruitful energy to flow into the body and do away with the negative, toxic energy. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals work by channelizing your energy levels, thereby, focus on healing your body from the inside.” They’re also said to have a placebo effect on the mind & body which can be beneficial & SCIENTIFICALLY proven to help medically. Crystals give off a unique “vibration & frequency” from their makeup which can benefit our moods and our thought patterns. Basically they get rid of negative energy & welcome in the new & healthy energy.

I did some research and gathered a good amount of information on certain crystals that are supposed to heal any relationship or sex issues you might find in your life. If you’re skeptical, no biggie because I was like that at first. The first time I ever saw a crystal I was like, “it’s just a rock…” but I find that the intentions you put into them with practice can create a more peaceful & highly spirited environment if you truly believe in it. Everyone has their own belief system and this one might not be for you but don’t knock it till you try it.

🔮 Lower Chakra
🔮 Increases passion and sexual energy
🔮 Restores vitality to female sex organs
🔮 Inspires sensuality and confidence
Red Jasper:
🔮 Rook Chakra
🔮 Activates sexual and lustful drive
🔮 Teaches you to express sensuality without guilt or shame
🔮 Promotes sexual healing and impotence
🔮 Cleansing and energizing sex organs
🔮 Increases virility in men
Smoke Quartz:
🔮 Lower Chakra
🔮 Accept love as a normal & healthy experience
🔮 Balances sexual energy
🔮 Can help with healing sexual trauma, hang ups, and sadness
🔮 Lower Chakra
🔮 Enhances physical love and relationship between two partners
🔮 Revives intimacy and increase passions
🔮 Calls in new lover
🔮 Connect you with your sensual side
Rose Quartz:
🔮 Heart Chakra
🔮 Opens heart to love and trust
🔮 Increase self love
🔮 Helps embrace unconditional love, lovers, and yourself
Pink Calcite:
🔮 Heart chakra
🔮 Creates stronger bonds
🔮 Helps overcome emotional trauma
Pink Tourmaline:
🔮 Connects to heart chakra to crown
🔮 Release old feelings of guilt and heartache over past ones
🔮 Strengthens sense of smell of pheromones
🔮 Aids transformation of the hearts. It reminds you to stay positive and optimistic and open to love!
Blue Stones:
🔮 Encourages open communication
🔮 Blue Lace Agate corresponds to the throat chakra and expresses authenticity
If you’re struggling to communicate your feelings this would be a great crystal to use for encouragement

Okay so you have the crystals, now what? What most people usually do with their crystals is leave them around the house or somewhere where you spend the most time so that your energy becomes more like the crystals. I tend to leave them on my window sill that’s right next to and above my bed. Sometimes I’ll meditate with them while giving them the intention I’m trying to manifest. With these specific crystals I’d recommend:
🔮 Putting it in your bra-so it’s close to your heart chakra
🔮 Creating a piece of jewelry out of it so it’s always on you. You can find pre-made ones in stores or on Etsy.
🔮 Put it in your pants pockets so that it’s close to your lower chakra
🔮 You can even leave it in a shared space with you and your partner

Aside from crystals, there are Chakrubs that are like crystal dildos! These offer a more spiritual benefit than maybe a Rabbit Vibrator might. If you’re looking to cleanse and re-energize your sexual aura and heal any hang-ups, this could be a great option to try out.
Some of the things they offer are:
🔮 They hold intentions of healing
🔮 They increase self-love & awareness
🔮Some people perform rituals or meditations before using to kind of ground themselves
🔮Make sure to infuse your intention when about to use
🔮You can charge these in the full moon
There are also crystal jade/onyx/rose quartz/ eggs that you can place within your vagina.
DISCLAIMER! This is not OB/GYN recommended and not super regulated. So ALWAYS makes sure to do your research before you insert anything into you. Also, please don’t attempt to put just any crystals in you because some don’t react well to moisture!
With that out of the way here are some benefits for using this:
🔮 Prep for lovemaking
🔮 Mini gym workouts for the vagina
🔮 Stimulates muscles down there
🔮 Awakens your sexuality

I know this was a lot of information to take in but if you are interested in exploring the world of crystals I thought this would be of some assistance to you for your first or next visit to a spiritual store. One tip I want to share with you guys is that I usually meditate in the mornings with my crystals, this makes me feel more positive and excited for the rest of the day. Let me know if you guys have experimented with crystals before, if you use different crystals for relationships & sex, and if you’d be willing to give this practice a try!
Shout outs bugs life haha but I did really like that you pointed out that crystals are only as good as the energy you give them. If you want them to do nothing they will but if manifest the effect you want through mindfulness than they can be a wonderful experience.