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A place you can come to for advice when your dating, sex, and social life get a bit challenging. I talk about what I find are the most common obstacles we might encounter in these three aspects of our life and how to quickly and easily overcome them. If you're feeling the need to confess, don't be afraid to shoot me an email and I'll try my very best to help you find a solution! -K

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Quarter Life Crisis but in a Good Way

Dear Reader, It’s been some time since I’ve written; almost a year and a half since I’ve worked on my blog. I had initially put...

Menstrual Cup Review

What’s up lovers! As some of you may know from my Instagram account, this week was the first time I’ve used a menstrual cup. I figured it...

Your Love is Like Poison.

“Even demons have their good days.”-An Ex of Mine *Disclaimer* I know how extremely hard it can be to leave an abusive relationship, I am...

Am I toxic for getting jealous?

Dear Reader, I always say that a little bit of jealousy is healthy; it can be a small form of reassurance but it should never be the...

The Bar is in Hell

Dear Reader, Sorry about the hiatus, unemployment continues to leave me discouraged and unmotivated. It’s been months of looking for a...

How We Break Our Own Hearts

Dear Reader, We often feel that those responsible for our broken hearts are the ones that we used to call our partners. We blame them for...

That One Time I Had a Peeping Tom

John Carpenter once said: “To make Michael Myers frightening, I had him walk like a man, not a monster.” Dear Reader, It’s That One Time...

80s Slasher Films: The Taboo of Sex

Dear Reader, I’m delivering to you a late-night spooky movie edition...the slashers of the 80s. The term slasher is best defined as: “a...

The Invisible Man: Abusive Relationships!

Dear Reader, For today’s post, I wanted to discuss abusive relationships, what might be possible signs of an unhealthy relationship, what...

World Mental Health Awareness Day

Dear Reader, How are you? Okay, but how are you actually feeling? I wouldn’t blame you if you said you were feeling anxious, depressed,...

Get to Know Me!

Dear Reader, I’m having quite the off day and while I was laying in bed finishing season 2 of Pen15 on Hulu I had my mind set on not...

Toxic Relationships...but Friends Edition

Dear Reader, Two Movie Mondays ago I discussed the film Something Borrowed which got me thinking about friendships & how too often we...

Loving Someone VS. Loving the Idea of Them

Dear Reader, Sometimes it’s easy for us to let our hearts take the lead and get clouded by our emotions. We can’t always use logic to...

Sex & Love Healing: It's Crystal Clear

Very quickly, I want to thank you guys for reading and interacting with my blog. I love hearing from you all and sharing my thoughts with...

5th Base

Dear Reader, Do you remember when we used to refer to sexual activities as bases? And how going “all the way” was the final base of them...

Don't Hate. Masturbate!

"Masturbation: the primary sexual activity of mankind. In the nineteenth century, it was a disease; in the twentieth, it's a cure." —...

I konfess...I'm struggling too

Dear Reader, I have something to konfess. My room looks like shit, I’ve applied to over 30 jobs, I cried trying to open a jar of pickles,...

F*ck the Fizzle

Dear Reader, One of the things I most hate to hear from long term couples is that there’s no longer any passion because the honeymoon...

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